Hey Folks. Many apologies for the inconsistent posting schedule. I've been pretty much busting ass to get things set up here in Carolina Beach. My first job ended up being uber-shitty to a corporate degree. I guess the constant stressing of money making during staff meeting tipped me off to this job not exactly fitting into my persona. At one point the owner asked me, "How much money do you need to be happy?" I guess after living a somewhat charmed life in a California paradise below the poverty line for three years, a fellow tends to itemize whether possessions are more important than experiences. Needless to say, I lasted about two weeks working in sales. I now work for a delightful small, family owned business called FlyAway Farm and Kennels. They specialize in training Border Collies for use at airfields and corporate facilities to discourage certain animals from settling down. I currently am working at a super high end golf course, chasing Canadian Geese away with my 'killer' dog named Nick.
It's a fun job that fits my personality fairly well. I get to tear around the poshest country club in Wilmington and chase birds away from the precious grass. A goose eats like 5 square meters of grass each day, so imagine how much grass an entire flock eats daily. It's up to me and Nick to kick some ass each day and save the day for the wealthy old folks. The country clubbers are some of the grumpiest, snobby people I've ever come into contact with. It's certainly an interesting contrast from the hippies and crab-fishermen of Humboldt that frequented my bar. This coming week I am putting in a bid with the course to trap a couple gators and muskrats which had the audacity to set up homes in the lakes around the course. I've never really trapped an alligator, but these are little guys, so I'd think some stinky meat and some Hoosier creativity should do the trick.
I'm loving the area. Our apartment sits right on the beach, I make a couple trips down the water each day. Now that the water temps are edging into the 70's, it's getting very pleasant to go swimming a couple of times each day. We picked up our fishing permits and we've started to drown some bait. It's nice to drop a line in for a few minutes after work each day. The fish are starting to bite. Flounder, Blues, and Whiting are all starting to come in-shore as the water warms up. We've even had some good surf sessions since we've moved to the area.
Now that we're fairly settled in to the area, we are able to start working towards making some goals. There are some nice, cheap sailboats to be had and I've been assembling the tools to start shaping a surfboard. I'm halfway through doing research for my article on the great John Maffitt and I'm writing an article about my job for a local magazine.
Are you guys ready to watch Obama's big 100 day news conference? Ya, I don't really care either. I'll watch it, but I can't really believe anything that guy says anymore. There is a ton of crap going down in the world apparently. If you believe the news...then shit is really hitting the fan (as always). Oh well, keep on keeping on and don't go smooching any pigs.
Thanks for reading.
Email me at bencaywood@gmail.com