Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kids These Days...

Today I'm subbing for a science teacher at the alternative high school in Eureka, and I am somewhat annoyed by what I am observing. These kids just don't give a damn about school or education. I'm only halfway through the day and already I'm pretty pissed off by the whole situation. I don't want to sound biased or inconsiderate here, but this school is a waste of money and time. Most of my classes should have around 20 students, but less than half of the students on the roster show up for class. Of the 10 or so that do show up, most of them sleep or otherwise don't put forth any effort to better themselves. They are too busy talking about parties or whatever else that they find far more important than the NOVA film that is showing.
These kids are rude and vulgar. I don't know how many times I've walked past a student who absolutely reeks of pot smoke. A solid number of these kids are still high...and it's only noon.

Getting to my point...Our schools are underfunded and our teachers are underpaid. I'm underpaid. There are kids out there that want to learn, that pay attention, who are polite, and who are truly good why are we funding a program for kids who don't give a shit and holding back the kids that want to learn. People always piss and moan about how poor the education system is in America and how far we're behind China, Japan, and other random countries. Do you think that China has an alternative school for the kids that get kicked out of normal schools? We have our heads so far up our asses it's not even funny. When are we gonna start making the tough choices? When are we gonna be able to call it like it is? I mean let's get real here, the world is at a turning point. It's a competitive world out there. We should be equipping kids with the knowledge and skills for them to be able to take care of themselves, but instead we are creating a whole generation who are going to be suckling at the teat of Big Government indefinitely.

We, as a society, need to start embracing the idea of the individual and independence. Welfare, public healthcare, and social services has ruined this country. What happened to the brash independance that characterized us as a country? People want freedom, but demand handouts. As the government grows and becomes the Nanny state, we lose. Let's get back to the America that our grandparents fought for. It all starts with the youth, if we can't start whipping these kids into shape, then we are in trouble.

Just some quotes from my day...
"I did a bunch of blow this weekend and my back is f'ing killing me."
"We need to find a grow and rob it, then we'd have a sweet payday."
"Sorry I'm late, I'm pretty hungover."
"F#$k dude, I'm going home. I need to smoke." (at this point kid gets up, walks outclassroom door,goes to the office, and then proceeds home)
"I don't need the worksheet, I'm just gonna take a nap." (kid proceeds to sleep)
"Don't you f#$%ing shake your head at me. Don't you dare disrespect me. You're a f@#$ingsub.
(coming from the 18 yr old sophomore)
I'm done with this class. You better not ever sub in this school again."
"You're a retard if you think we actually landed on the moon. I saw a show on Fox thatsaid it was a hoax."
"F&$# you, you're just a sub. What the f@!# do you know?"

Don't worry folks. I have a pretty thick skin these days.

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