Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I finished reading '1776' this past weekend. What a great read! David McCollough is an insanely good writer and researcher. The book follows the campaigning of George Washington and his rag-tag band of rebels during the first year of the American Revolution. The book reads like a narrative and has solid research to back it up. The story is intensely personal and human, I really felt the drama and conviction with which Washington, Knox, and Greene led the fight against King and Country.

I would suggest that anyone interested in history and the founding of our country read this book. It's a quick read and packed with good information. I mean, how ballsy was what those guys did? At one point during the summer of 1776, George Washington and the Continental Army was trying to hold onto Long Island and New York with a few thousand ill-equipped farmers when over 10,000 Hessians and Redcoats arrived in a well supplied armada. At certain points during the year's campaign there was only enough powder and shot for each man to fire 3 rounds.

It really put things into perspective for me. I mean, how easy do we have it right now? I really feel guilty of taking the gift of freedom and liberty for granted. Those men held the belief that they were fighting for something true and good, and they acted upon their beliefs. They suffered insane amounts of hardships. Can you imagine walking 20 miles in snow, at midnight, on Christmas, with little clothing and possibly nothing but rags on your feet, with the knowledge that the next morning you were going to attack a fortified position guarded by thousands of well supplied mercenaries? I can't really imagine how intense that would be, but our founders did that and they did it willingly. The American colonies were wealthy and many of the men that fought left relatively comfortable farms and family. For instance, Joseph Plumb Martin left a fairly comfortable life of farming to fight for the duration of the war. He kept a journal throughout his adventures. I remember reading through his writings during college. They are very good. You can find copies of it online for cheap.

What were these guys fighting for? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness/Property...What can I do to further the goals they fought for and restore this country back to what it once was? I really think we need to embrace the ideals of limited government and put a stop to the ever expanding powers the government has over us. Do you fear the government? I heard a recent poll that said that over 80% of Americans fear their own government! That is such a crock of crap that we are fearful over an enity which (in theory) we have complete control. People, we need to take back control, maybe raise a bit of ruckus for the cause of liberty! George Washington wouldn't have it any other way...

1 comment:

John Caywood said...

Is Ron Paul going to do the independent thing? I hope he ends up running in some manner.