It's a beautiful little sloop. Great lines, shallow draft, room for four to day sail, or rigged for an experienced solo sailor. I bought/traded for her from an older sailor in Carolina Beach. He had a yard full of grime covered boats and was glad this one would get back into the water. She was built over 40 years ago and most of the gear is original. Original sounds good, but it means that she needs a ton of work. She'll sail fine, but all of the hardware is ready to be replaced. After trailering her down from Carolina Beach, she sat in a spare lot for a couple of weeks until the weather cleared. For the past month we've had her in the water at Cudjoe Key and have taken her out for several day sails. Now that I've got some time on my hands and decent weather, the sloop has been pulled out of the water and I've set to restoring her in time for the April sailing club races. She's getting a new forestay, turnbuckles, a fiber glassing, paint, and bright work.

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