Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nothing Much...

Our sloop is tied up to the dock in front of our little apartment. We've taken it out a couple of times since Sunday, but it's tough to get the timing on the tide, sunlight, and wind to work out in our favor. Going out for couple hour sessions after work is my hope, but our waterways locally are pretty tidally influenced. A strong incoming tide and we get pushed towards the Cape Fear River and the outgoing tide pushes us out the inlet. Once we're a little more confident under sail, we'll be tearing up the waterways.

I did get out for a nice long afternoon on the beach with my lady and Sparky. The weather is just spectacular, 70's and sunny. Dogs are finally allowed on the beach again and Sparky need some work on the long line. I'm trying to get him to work with dog whistle signals. It'd be pretty badass to whistle commands at him.

I spent an hour out in the water surfing at the end of the day. There were some solid waves rolling through. I've pretty much been surfing the pier at the north end of Carolina Beach nonstop since the end of the summer. There's a pack of little kids that surf a few hundred yards down the beach, but nobody really surf right next to the pier. Maybe it's the big sign that say's 'No Surfing Zone'...I just don't know.

Still trying to fix the camera...


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